Book Signing!

Discover Your Erotic Nature & Reclaim Your Confidence


Deborah Kagan

December 5, 2023
December 5, 2023
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In a book that will forever shift how you relate to yourself as a woman, Deborah Kagan reveals an enthralling exploration of the convergence between sex and spirit and teaches what it means to be a woman who is unafraid to live out loud. Kagan, a leader championing women’s empowerment and personal development, shares her stories of six lovers and one revelatory night alone. Each section begins with a candid memoir that bares the profoundly personal journey of discovering one’s erotic nature, and each section ends with ‘your turn’ offering a series of exceptional how-to practices. Undressed rips the bandage off the shame of being a turned-on woman. It’s an inspirational, titillating ride through the seven power centers of the body that presents an opportunity to harness your erotic nature for true self-expression and embodied confidence. Provocative, inspiring, and boldly envisioned, Undressed is your invitation to be a turned-on woman, self-possessed, and become erotically alive.

Deborah Kagan is a Speaker, Author, Mentor and Mojo Recovery Specialist with years of practice being a turned-on woman. She supports entrepreneurs, small business owners, consultants, creatives and the career oriented to tap into their innate power and connect with their mojo, which is a source of true self-esteem.