Book Signing!
Book Signing

Mels Love Land


Melanie Lutz

January 26, 2019
12pm - 2pm
January 26, 2019
12pm - 2pm
Buy Tickets

Imagine a voice telling you to love everyone  

Imagine praying for miracles and the next day being offered a course in miracles.

Imagine waking up everyday knowing love always leads the way.

Imagine the world you see is illusion if it's not love.

Imagine a world of love.

Mel talks love in action, reads from Mels Love Land and screens loving media stories and revelations from the docu-series that premieres April 2019.


Melanie Lutz is a writer, director, editor, creative love activist and all around magnificent woman.

Her life long artistic work has contributed to some of the world's most iconic talents, brands and entertainment companies. Melanie is a life long student of the entertainment business with a deep love of storytelling and all things soul enriching. Her curious nature has amplified her entrepreneurial spirit and enriching many organizations. Quite simply she is committed to letting love lead the way. She believes we heal the world by sharing our stories. Her efforts have delivered block busting, high ratings success and critical acclaim while providing insights into the worlds we co-create. Now is the time to transmit love.

Mel has started, owned and sold different media companies, developed award winning films, theater and media. She has worked on successful Oscar campaigns, developed an All Systems Love Media feed and social advocacy platform to create and distribute content. Her motto is to As a powerful collaborator, Melanie has a unique way of magnifying as Walt Disney promoted "the dreams and wishes the heart makes and spinning them into soul satisfying entertainment. Her 15 years of experience crafting, developing and creating w/ love puts her in a unique position and workflow into the unified field of possibilities. Melanie is a Reiki Master who works with the Akashic Records.